
NameInfoYearsUpdated byDate
Carr, Samuel S.notes
Very little is known regarding Samuel S. Carr. He was born in England on 15 October 1837 and studied at the Royal Academy of Design at Chester. In 1863 he emigrated to the United States where in 1865 he attended a class in mechanical drawing at Cooper Union. From 1870 to 1907 he lived with his sister and brother-in-law at 461 Twelfth Street in...
1837 - 1908Anonymous05/15/2012
Wright, James Henry 1813 - 1883Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Woodward, John Douglasnotes
John Douglas Woodward (12 July 1846 – 1924) was an American landscape artist and illustrator described by Joseph Pennell as one of the country's "best-known painters and illustrators". He produced hundreds of scenes of Europe, the Holy Land, and the United States, many of which were reproduced in popular magazines of the day.[1] Life and...
1846 - 1924Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Woodville, Richard Catonnotes
Richard Caton Woodville (30 April 1825 – 13 August 1855) was an American artist from Baltimore who spent his professional career in Europe, after studying in Düsseldorf under the direction of Carl Ferdinand Sohn. He died of an overdose of morphine in London at the age of 30.[1] He was the father of Richard Caton Woodville, Jr., also a noted...
1825 - 1855Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Wood, Thomas Watermannotes
Thomas Waterman Wood (November 12, 1823 – April 14, 1903) was an American painter born in Montpelier, Vermont. Origins Thomas Waterman Wood's father, John Wood, came to Montpelier from Lebanon, New Hampshire in 1814. The Wood family was of Puritan stock, and it was from Lebanon that John Wood, the father of the artist, married his wife Mary...
1823 - 1903Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Woodside, John A. 1781 - 1852Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Wood, Joseph 1778 - 1830Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Woodbury, Marcia Oakes 1865 - 1913Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Woodbury, Charles Herbertnotes
Charles Herbert Woodbury (July 14, 1864—January 21, 1940), United States marine painter, was born at Lynn, Massachusetts. Biography Charles H. Woodbury was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, where his earliest work was part of the oeuvre of the group later known as the Lynn Beach Painters. While an undergraduate at MIT he became a regular exhibitor...
1864 - 1940Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
Witt, John Harrison 1840 -  1901Alexander Lusher05/15/2012
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