
NameInfoYearsUpdated byDate
Marcius-Simons, Pinckneynotes
Most scholars list Pinckney Marcius-Simons' birth date as 1867, but some art historians assert that he was born in 1865. A New York City native, visionary symbolist painter Pinckney Marcius-Simons spent most of his adult life in Europe, having been taken there as a baby by his parents. He did not return until he was age 25. He was especially known...
1865 - 1909Anonymous05/18/2012
Murphy, Nelly Littlehalenotes
Born 1867, died ca. 1942. Painter, illustrator, and etcher, noted for her watercolor paintings of landscapes and flowers. Lived and exhibited in the Massachusetts area. Nellie Littlehale married Herman Daniel Umbstaetter in 1893. In 1916, she married again, to painter Hermann Dudley Murphy.
1867 - 1941Anonymous05/17/2012
Mosler, Henrynotes
Henry Mosler’s highly detailed scenes of peasant life in the rural villages of the French province of Brittany appealed to his contemporary American viewers for their material specificity and universal themes. Mosler was a native of Silesia, Germany (now Poland), son of a German-Jewish lithographic artist who brought his family to the United...
1841 - 1920Anonymous05/17/2012
Muller, Fritznotes
Fritz Müller was born in 1814 in Blumenthal, a small town on the Weser River in northern Germany. Trained as a seaman, Müller became a sea captain and lived in neighboring Bremen after 1841. By that time he apparently was married to a native of Hildenbrock, a town near Dusseldorf. In 1848 Müller left Bremen to give instruction in navigational...
1814 - 1861Anonymous05/17/2012
Morrison, Hal 1848 - 1927Anonymous05/17/2012
Moran, Edwardnotes
Edward Moran (19 Aug. 1829-9 June 1901), painter, was born in Bolton, Lancashire, England, the son of Thomas Moran and Mary Higson, home handloom weavers. Edward was the elder brother of the painters Peter, John, and Thomas Moran. Moran joined his parents working at the handloom at an early age. The Moran parents, like other home textile workers of...
1829 - 1901Anonymous05/13/2012
McMillan, Mary 1895 - 1956Anonymous05/13/2012
Mader, Louisnotes
Louis Mader was born in Germany in 1842 and came to the United States in 1867, during a period when the almshouses were filling with recent immigrants. He was first admitted to the Berks County Almshouse in 1892 and over the next three years painted at least eight views of that institution. Unlike Charles Hofmann, the best-known "Pennsylvania...
1842 - 1899Anonymous04/21/2012
Moise, Theodore Sidneynotes
MOÏSE, THEODORE SYDNEY (1808–1883), U.S. painter; grandson of Abraham *Moïse. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, he received instruction in painting from his aunt, Penina *Moïse, a part-time artist. Nothing is known about his further education. In 1835, Moïse opened a studio in Charleston, advertising his services as a portrait...
1808 -  1885Anonymous04/10/2012
Meucci, Anthony Died 1837Anonymous04/10/2012
Moulthrop, Reuben 1763 - 1814Anonymous04/10/2012
MacKay, Mac Raboy Born 1791Anonymous04/10/2012
Maccallum, Andrew 1821 - 1902Anonymous04/10/2012
Mount, Evelina 1837 - 1920Anonymous04/10/2012
Millar, Addison Thomas 1850 - 1913Anonymous04/10/2012
Mulhaupt, Frederick J.notes
Frederick Mulhaupt was born in Rockport, Missouri, March 28, 1871 the son of Jacob Mulhaupt of Baden and Margeret Liebig of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. He grew up in the small town of Kiowa on the southern border of Kansas, a wild unsettle Indian territory. The majority of his professional career was spent in NYC, Boston and East Gloucester, MA....
1871 - 1938Anonymous04/09/2012
McCloskey, Alberta Binfordnotes
In early June 1884, William and Alberta, with two-month-old Eleanor, arrived in Los Angeles for a visit with the Binford family. "Mr. McCloskey is an artist of some note and is now making his first visit to the Pacific Coast. Should he find a suitable opening, we understand he will take up his residence in our city."[17] By 1884, the Binford family...
1863 -  1911Anonymous04/08/2012
Magrath, Williamnotes
Irish-American watercolour painter, apparently named in the Chief Constable's Special Branch Register:[1] ·           "McGrath, William - suspicious Irishman at 57 Bedford Gardens" ·           "McGrath, William - said to be connected to Whitechapel murders". Biography William Magrath was born on 20 March 1838 at...
1838 -  1913Anonymous04/07/2012
Moran, Thomasnotes
Thomas Moran (February 12, 1837 - August 25, 1926) from Bolton, England was an American painter and printmaker of the Hudson River School in New York whose work often featured the Rocky Mountains. Moran and his family took residence in New York where he obtained work as an artist. A talented illustrator and exquisite colorist, Moran was hired as an...
1837 - 1926Anonymous04/06/2012
Mayr, Christian 1805 - 1851Anonymous04/05/2012
Macomber, Mary 1861 - 1916Anonymous04/05/2012
Miller, George M.notes
George M. Miller was a stone-cutter, potter, and sculptor who often "modeled" in wax. Among biographical sources there is disagreement about whether his birthplace was Scotland or Germany, and about the original spelling of his last name: Muller, Müller, or Miler. Nothing is known about his family, education, or date of birth. Miller had come to...
Died 1819Anonymous04/04/2012
MacDonall, Angus Peter 1876 - 1927Anonymous04/02/2012
Maentel, Jacob ca. 1763 - 1863Anonymous04/02/2012
Mathews, Arthur Frank 1860 - 1945Anonymous03/31/2012
McIntyre, Grace Hamilton 1878 - 1962Alexander Lusher03/24/2012
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