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Prophets: Amos, Nahum, Ezekiel, Daniel, Elijah (North Wall, left side of Moses) 1895 Boston Public Library Boston, MA | GA | igrkio | ||
Prophets: Joshua, Jeremiah, Jonah, Isaiah, Habakkuk (North Wall, right side of Moses) 1895 Boston Public Library Boston, MA | GA | igrkio | ||
Prophets: Micah, Haggai, Malacchi, Zecharia (North End, East Wall) 1890-95 Boston Public Library Boston, MA | GA | igrkio | ||
Prophets: Zephaniah, Joel, Obadiah, Hosea (West Wall) 1895 Boston Public Library Boston, MA | GA | igrkio | ||
Richard Morris Hunt 1895 Biltmore House Asheville, NC |
Morris Hunt (1828-1895) was an architect who is widely credited as the one of
the fathers of American architecture. He started the first studio in America to
formally train young architects in New York and took a prominent role in
founding the American Institute of Architects, of which he became president in
1888. Much of his work is... | GA | igrkio | |
Street, Tangier 1895 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY | GA | igrkio | ||
Study of a Young Man (Cloaked) c. 1895 Smithsonian American Art Museum Washington, D.C. | GA | igrkio | ||
Study of Drapery for Freize of the Prophets c. 1892 Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington, D.C. | GA | igrkio | ||
Study of Ezekiel for Frieze of the Prophets c. 1891-92 Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington, D.C. | GA | igrkio | ||
Tangier 1895 Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY | GA | igrkio |
- John Singer Sargent