Name | Country | State | City | Updated by | Date |
Musee des Beaux-Arts de Quimper | France | Quimper | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 | |
Musee Municipal d'Hazebrouck | France | Hazebrouck | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 | |
Musee National de la Cooperation Franco-Americaine | France | Chateau De Blerancourt | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 | |
Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma | USA | OK | Norman | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |
Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts | USA | NC | Winston-Salem | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |
Museum of Fine Arts | USA | MA | Boston | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |
Museum of Fort Ticonderoga | USA | NY | Ticonderoga | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |
Museum of Modern Art | USA | NY | New York | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |
Museum of the City of New York | USA | NY | New York | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |
Muskegon Museum of Art | USA | MI | Muskegon | Anonymous | 09/25/2012 |