Asymmetrical Balance

Impressionist painters both in France and America were interested in capturing a sense of immediacy. They emphasized new compositional devices... Read more
Nooning (The Gleaners)

oil on canvas
28 1/2 x 39 1/8 inches (72.39 x 99.36 centimeters)

Ball State Museum of Art

Muncie, IN

Adams, John Ottis Unrated
Morning (Musicians)

oil on canvas.
36 x 59 3/4 in. (91.4 x 151.8 cm).

Delaware Art Museum

Wilmington, DE

Dewing, Thomas Wilmernotes
Description: The scene depicts two young women seated along the edge of a fountain, long trumpets raised to their mouths to signal dawn's arrival as the sun begin to rise on the horizon, tinging the clouds with pale pink. Seated opposite the women are two hounds, one brown and one white, each with its nose pointed toward the women as they listen to...
Late Summer

oil on canvas
10 in. x 12 in.

Anonymous Collection (2)


Irvine, Wilson Henry GA
Monhegan Bay, Maine

c. 1914
oil on canvas
36 in. x 40 in.

Anonymous Collection (2)


Irvine, Wilson Henry GA
Saybrook Light

oil on canvas

Anonymous Collection (2)


Irvine, Wilson Henry GA
Spring Landscape, Giverny

oil on canvas
19 1/2 X 25 1/4" (49.53 x 65.40 cm.)

Butler Institute of American Art

Youngstown, OH

Metcalf, Willard Leroy GA
Late Afternoon, Dachau Moor

oil on canvas
25 1/4 in x 38 1/8 in. 36 7/8 x 48 x 4 in. (framed)

Indianapolis Museum of Art

Indianapolis, IN

Steele, Theodore Clement Unrated
Meridian Street Thawing Weather

oil on canvas
Height: 46.04 cm (18.13 in.), Width: 70.8 cm (27.88 in.)

Private Collection

Unknown, USA

Steele, Theodore Clement Unrated
Pleasant Run

oil on canvas
19 1/4 x 32 1/4 in. 28 1/2 x 41 x 4 in. (framed)

Indianapolis Museum of Art

Indianapolis, IN

Steele, Theodore Clement Unrated
Niagara Falls

ca. 1894
oil on canvas
30 x 25 1/8 in. (76.1 x 63.7 cm)

Smithsonian American Art Museum

Washington, D.C.

Twachtman, John Henry GA
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