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Portrait of Philip Van Cortlandt

ca. 1810
oil on canvas
36 x 28 in. (91.4 x 71.1 cm)

Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York, NY

The Fondey Family

oil on canvas
54 x 76 3/4 in.

Albany Institute of History and Art

Albany, NY

Subject: Portrait group -- Family Portrait male -- Fondey, John, Jr. -- Full length; Portrait female -- Fondey, John, Jr., Mrs. (Cornelia Hun) -- Full length; Portrait female -- Fondey, Sarah -- Full length; Portrait male -- Fondey, Isaac -- Full length; Portrait female -- Fondey, Maria; Portrait male -- Fondey, William -- Child;...
Portrait of Phares Gould

ca. 1830-1835
oil on canvas
30 1/16 x 24 in. (76.3 x 61 cm

Brooklyn Museum

New York, NY

Portrait of John Scoville

oil on canvas
30 x 24 in. (cm. 76.2 x 61.0)

Cleveland Museum of Art

Cleveland, OH

Portrait of William James

oil on canvas
36 x 28 in. (cm. 91.4 x 71.1)

Harvard University Art Museums, Portrait Collection

Cambridge, MA

Portrait of Gouverneur Morris

ca. 1815
oil on canvas
36 x 28 in. (cm. 91.4 x 71.1)

New York Historical Society

New York, NY

Gouverneur Morris, often addressed as Gouv Morris (January 31, 1752 – November 6, 1816), was an American statesman, a Founding Father of the United States, and a native of New York City who represented Pennsylvania in the Constitutional Convention of 1787
Portrait of Clarkson Crolius

oil on canvas
30 x 24 in. (cm. 76.2 x 61.0)

New York Historical Society

New York, NY

Governor Martin Van Buren

ca. 1828-29
oil on canvas
52 ¾ x 41 inches

Albany Institute of History and Art

Albany, NY

Portrait of James Rivington

ca. 1806
oil on canvas
36 1/4 x 28 1/4 in. (cm. 92.1

New York Historical Society

New York, NY

James Rivington (c. 1724, London, England – July 1802, New York City) was an English-born American journalist, who published one of the most infamous Loyalist newspapers in the American colonies, while secretly supplying George Washington with information.
Maurice Levy

ca. 1820
Watercolor on ivory
2 15/16 x 2 3/8 in. (7.5 x 6 cm)

Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York, NY

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