John Singer Sargent's Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth after Luca della Robbia
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Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth after Luca della Robbia
John Singer Sargent -- American painter 
Date? (possibly 1897)
Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Graphite on off-white wove paper
22.8 x 19.8 cm
Gift of Mrs. Francis Ormond
Jpg: Sargent at Harvard
Luca della Robbia 
Italian sculptor, Florentine school 
(1399/1400 - 1482)

Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth
c. 1450
John Singer Sargent

Meeting of Mary and Elisabeth after Luca della Robbia 
possibly 1897

The sculpture was sketched by John Singer Sargent on one of his trips to Pistoia which is in and around Tuscany, just northwest of Florence (Firenze). It resides in the church of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas. This may have been done in 1897 when Sargent was working diligently on material for the Boston Public Library murals. Pistoia was relatively close to a patron friend of John's: Prince Paul P. Demidoff (the 2nd Prince of San Donato). He had painted Princess Demidoff in 1895-1896.

Sargent would later revisit this subject in his Boston Public Library Murals

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Annunciation - The Virgin's Drapery



By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2006 all rights reserved
Created 12/31/2002 happy new year
Updated 03/24/2017

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