Robert M. Montgomery

by Mathias Alten

48 x 36 in. (cm. 121.9 x 91.4)

Administered by State of Michigan, State Museum

Lansing, MI

Alten, Mathiasnotes
Description: Three-quarter-length portrait of Robert M. Montgomery seated with his legs crossed. He wears his judicial robe.
John W. Stone

by Mathias Alten

31 x 27 in.

Administered by State of Michigan, State Museum

Lansing, MI

Alten, Mathiasnotes
Description: Half-length portrait of John W. Stone wearing judicial robes. He holds papers in his left hand.
Nelson Sharpe

by Mathias Alten

36 x 24 in.

Administered by State of Michigan, State Museum

Lansing, MI

Alten, Mathiasnotes
Description: Half-length portrait of Nelson Sharpe wearing judicial robes and seated in a high-backed chair with his hands folded.
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